Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Race Day

We spent Sunday morning at the Bozeman Pond -- I did a sprint triathlon and the three boys played at the pond and at the climbing rock.  Josh is quite brave now that he's been to a week-long climbing camp.  He even has climbing shoes (that we got for $5! at the climbing store) so he knows he's legit. 

Climbing it tough work, it requires a lot of tongue action to help navigate between the holds. 
I love this because you can see his two front teeth gap.  I love his smiles and his sssss around the house these days.
Luke is getting braver every day. 
Isn't he so stinking cute - all proud of himself (even with closed eyes...)


After the grueling climbing session, they headed to the water to cool off.  I can't look at this picture without laughing, the goggles are just so silly looking.

He's a happy boy by the water with a stick. 

And just a cute, random picture of Luke in the water. 

Daddy caught a picture of me finishing my swim leg. I would only post a wetsuit picture if its of me submerged.:) 
Finally at the finish line.  I had a fun race!

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