Monday, July 16, 2012

Johns Place

Shooting BB guns is one of our favorite things to do at Uncle John's house.


This could be the best picture ever of my parents with Luke.  Beers and all.

While we were up at John and Dacia's we decided it was time for Luke to get a hair cut.  So chop chop Dacia went, and now Luke looks like someone loves him enough to groom him.

Before we knew it, the sun was setting and it was time to start a fire.  Josh helped John a ton, I'm sure they both agree.

This is Josh climbing the side of the hill to retrieve the plastic yellow chair that Dacia hates (and one day just threw up the hill to get it out of her sight...).  He's part monkey I swear.

John was giving the boys rides on the motorcycle, but Luke only wanted to sit on it when it was not running. 

Josh was almost going to lose his first front tooth for a whole day...this is his Buckwheat (or Mater) impression.

More wood gathering, I think this is the second night. 

To Luke, every stick is a gun. 

John got some Red -- fire starting diesel.  We know how to do it up right.

Its so relaxing up there. 

Josh agrees with us!

My goofy boys.

And the tooth FINALLY fell out!  Josh was thrilled. It came out 1 hour before Uncle John's birthday, so at 11 pm on July 6th. 

I love this picture of the two smiling, cuddling boys.

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