Monday, July 16, 2012

Annual Glacier Pilgramage

Snowball Fight!  There was so so so much snow up at Logan Pass.  

The trail that heads out from the visitor's center was covered in snow.  

Silly boys and their silly poses. 

Sneak attack by Josh!

Josh and daddy hiked 1.5 miles through the snow up to the Hidden Lake Overlook. Josh only had on his Keens, no socks, so he warmed up his feet on hot rocks occasionally. 

And then cooled them down again.

I think he's the King of the World here.

The lake looks frozen over still, in July!

They got really super close to a mommy goat and her baby.

And at the end of the day, Josh's pruney little feet did finally warm up. 

They both earned their Junior Ranger Badges. This is the Swearing In.

Its tough to take a sitting still picture at the end of the day.

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