Sunday, August 5, 2012

Floatin' the 'Stone

Sunday we took a float trip on the Yellowstone. We were sure that Josh would love every second of it -- he's become quite the little fisherman lately--but not too sure Luke would love it.  Last time we tried to get him in the boat he refused and said he was too scared of falling out.  After a week's worth of subtle brainwashing, we got both boys' buy in and off we went.  The experience was lovely, even if the fishing was a bit slow.
(sorry for the crappy pictures...I am guessing that a young man named Luke smeared his fingers all over the lens. Just sayin')
This was so neat to watch -- Josh and daddy fishing side by side.  

That toothless smile won't last long...there's already one big scrabble tile of a tooth coming in.  He was smiling a lot in the boat!

This is a happy Luke. He was not scared as long as I was holding onto him. 

The only fish of the day!  Josh caught a whitefish (which is what he wished for when he threw a wishing rock into the river..) and he was thrilled!  The boys kept calling it a Mountain Whitefish like it was some elusive species.  

Luke doesn't really care about fishing, but he loves playing on the shore.  He was helping to anchor our anchor here.  Belt and suspenders.

Luke said his favorite part of the day was rowing the boat. 

And before we knew it, it was over.

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