Sunday, August 19, 2012

Paradise Valley

We went camping on the Yellowstone this weekend.  We had 8 trailers and a total of 28 people there -- ranging from 3 months old to 62 years old. It was a super fun time.  Mike got creative after a few inspirational juices and climbed on top of one of the trailers to get this group shot.  

Josh had a great time with his two best friends, Kyler and Gabe.  They played in the water and the sand all day -- and his Keens are here to prove it.  

Luke had a lovely time as well, because as much as he likes to eat matched with how much food was available.  Sunday morning he got inventive and brought his folding chair into the trailer and declared himself the King of Eating.  No truer title has ever been bestowed.
My favorite part of the kids' activities was the Bigfoot hunting/trapping/chasing/battling that they did.  Sunday morning 6 of them decided to build a fort to hang out in.  It progressed to this -- complete with a front door, a window and an escape back door in case Bigfoot shows up.  They even had Grampa Harley test it out and act like Bigfoot so they could try out their escape route. These kids' imaginations are so fun! 

This is our silly Lukey looking at us through the window in the fort. 

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