Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Marches to The Beat of His Own Drummer

This is my current favorite picture of Josh.  He got to go to a spur of the moment swimming pool play date with Gabe and he was just fired up about it. He grabbed a backpack to put his swim gear (aka goggles) in, but then decided he better wear his snorkel as he biked over.  When I told him he looked awesome he said "I know"  and when I asked if I could take a picture, he said "yes, but put it on your phone so when you swipe it I come up"  -- yes, Josh, you can be my lock screen picture. 

His shenanigans didn't end at the bike. This was his Olympic Dive for the competition at Ryles.  Gabe said if it hurts it's a good dive, but I think Josh was going more for style points than the ouch factor. 

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