Sunday, November 6, 2016

Halloween Week

These two -- a 49ers football player and Napoleon Dynamite.  They had a lot of fun choosing and wearing their costumes. 
Luke's class had a party and one of the games was Pin the Tail on the Cat.  The blindfold around the wig was amazing!

Here are four fun boys. 

They had a school-wide parade in the gym because the wind was too strong outside.  They walked around the outside and showed off their fun costumes.  I know this is blurry and a terrible shot, but I had to show you the afro in motion. 

And Josh waving and smiling!  Love this friendly boy. 

Look Tough!

When I say "he owned it" this is what I meant.  Luke was a fabulous Napoleon! 

More crappy pictures...our trick or treating tradition is to go around the neighborhood with the Ryles.  Gabe was Anonymous, Ady was a greek goddess, and of course my two sillies. 

A terrible picture. Overtime they left they said "thank you, Vote for Pedro!"

Skelly handed out candy while we were gone, and then came inside for his last pose of the season. 

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