Sunday, July 10, 2016

Uh oh!

This is what Josh thinks of the ER on Thursday night!

Poor guy, look at that road rash!  He was riding his bike and racing Luke, who was running on foot.  They collided and Josh kinda ran Luke over, and Josh landed on the concrete.  

And here is proof that he has a broken bone.

This is another angle, looks worse than it is because of the way the two bones stacked up, but it's still serious. 

Poor guy, splint in a sling on his dominant hand for the summer. He gets his cast on Thursday, and we are going to ask for a water proof cast.  He's been a good sport, but all the things he likes to do (wakeboard, bike,  ripstik, skateboard, play lacrosse, play baseball, jump on Gabe's trampoline, jump in general) are pretty much off limits for now. 

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