Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Happy Independence Day!

This is the view from our first night at the rental house on Spokane River near Coeur d'Alene Lake.  It was gorgeous!

We had a few people joining us late, so the first night there were just the Tisdels, the Campbells, and 3/4 of Jenkins. Ty and Josh are sweet friends. 

Our friends Travis and Jen brought their boat up to spend the weekend at Travis' parents' house on the river.  He has a sweet speed boat, so he took the kids for a ride.  Look at these smiles!

The boys like the view from the bow. 

Travis' family's house had a sandy beach and the kids made a really fun river and dam system. Travis's brother in law added the duck decoy, which was a classy touch. 

Ashtyn turned 13 on July 2!  We were just marveling at how tall she is getting, when Ty showed us how small his hands are compared to hers.  So sweet!

We had a little birthday celebration for her after dinner.  By this time all of our friends had arrived, and we had 12 kids and 10 adults!

Ben and Derek are taking their surfing to the next level--trying some tandem surfing and then later tried some cool tricks. 

This was my favorite house on the river.  It's huge and I think it's so pretty. 
Our rental house was right in the curve of the river, where we had some stellar sunsets.  

Red Boat is the Fun Boat! :) 

Josh likes to drive our boat.

The kids all got up and learned to wakeboard this weekend.  This is Luke rocking it! He's so little that the bindings are pretty far apart for his stance, but he has nice solid balance.  When he's holding the rope in the water, waiting to say "hit it" you can't even see his head over the board.  Start 'em young!

Kyler did great too!

I didn't take any still photos of Josh. I have several videos, but no stills. Darn it!

Ashtyn tried it and got the hang of it immediately!

And before we knew it, we were heading to the lake to watch the fireworks.  Check out that pink sunlight! 

Josh came to the fireworks show with props. 

This is most of the Crazy Crew.  They think they're pretty hot stuff!

I had to show off how amazing Mike looked. That eagle tank top is so cool, if you ask me. ;) 

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