Sunday, July 24, 2016

Our Typical Shenanigans

Summertime Ice Cream!  Tuesday night at Farmers Market -- which we basically only went to in order to get ice cream. :) 

I went to the running store and the boys decided they'd like to be mannequins.

Not sure what this pose is supposed to convey, maybe that he knows how to Walk Like An Egyptian? 

I came home from work Wednesday and the boys had decided to take an inventory of their Nerf guns.  31. Well, we know what to advertise that we're selling at our next garage sale.  

Wednesday was Mike's 41st birthday, and he was in Palm Springs for work.  Our co-worker sent me this photo to show me that they were celebrating! I'm glad it didn't go unnoticed.

Wednesday night we had a puppy play date with Bobby Paul, who is named after his mom's grandfathers. 

Three happy doggies!

Josh thought that it is great fun to have Bobby Paul wrestle with him. 

He thinks its so funny that the dogs just climb over him. 

Thursday night we went to "Oliver" at the Ellen Theater.  We ate dinner at Teds, and Luke immediately made mustaches out of his bendaroos

I asked him to look fancy and distinguished, and this is the pose we get. 

Family cheers!

Please smile for me...

It was a fabulous show!  Great theater, great actors, great show!

It was HOT in our house when we got home, and Luke's fan was on full blast.  We accidentally had floating sheets, and now this is how he falls asleep each night. 

Champ has it figured out, napping on the window sill in the morning light. 

Mike requested fruit pizza for his birthday dessert, so I decided to make personal sized pizzas, more like fruit cookies.  They were pretty good, if I do say so myself!

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