Sunday, July 24, 2016

Friday means Fair Night

Friday after lunch with Daddy, we went to the fair with Amber and Josie.  The petting zoo was nice, but the shaved ice was the highlight of the visit. 
On our way home, Josh informed me that he was scratching an itch in his cast and accidentally got the pen cap stuck inside the cast.  So, he got re-casted right before we went to the Fair again.  He only had the pen cap inside there for about an hour, and already it left this kind of indentation!  And, his arm is still really wonky. I hope that cast works!

Once we got the new cast, we headed to the Fair to meet up with our friends. This is Gabe, Luke, and Cooping doing the Dab on the Typhoon. They think they're so cool. 
They rode the Typhoon several times, and Luke was in the front row every time.  He said it's the scariest seat, but then leaned forward looking over the edge the whole time. 
We had dinner with our family friends (The Ryles and The Burkharts) and our tables were across the way from this exhibit.  Josh said "that horse has the worst security" when he saw that the tent side tarp was blowing in the wind. They decided to check it out for themselves, and I loved to watch them be so silly!  They saw big hooves and came back to report that the horse is, in fact, giant. ;) 

Love this shot!
We went to check on the Pig Sale progress, and these crazy kids immediately got happier. 
This is before their one ride together 
Ty Tisdel had the great idea of getting air brushed hats that said "Krazy Crew" on them. Oh yeah!!  They're the funniest!

We had that airbrushing artist busy! Personalized trucker hats for all!
And at long last, at 11:30 or so, Kyler sold his pig.  This thing was a hog, according to Josh,  who never quite got how Punny that is. 

Barnard ended up buying Kyler's pig, and Mike was the one sent to bid on it, so we got to take a fun picture of Jordan, Kyler, and Mike all together. 

We walked out of the fairgrounds at 12:15 in darkness, all the rides closed and all of us filthy dirty but super happy with another great Fair in the books. 

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