Sunday, July 24, 2016

Holter with the Fontanas and the Jenkins

We left early Saturday morning to meet our family at Holter Lake. The boys were tuckered out after their late night at the Fair, so they slept in the car.

I made Luke shower Saturday morning (Josh showered Friday night after the fair because he got a piece of hay in his cast and wanted to try to wash it out, which worked!). Luke was so mad at me for making him shower that he got out of the shower, got dressed, and marched to the car where he promptly fell asleep.  We had about 20 minutes of loading left to do, but he slept through all that in the car. He woke up about an hour an a half later in Helena. 

We met at the dam and headed to Indian Springs, which the Jenkins remembered going to about 30 years ago!  Not much has changed. They were playing Eddie Rabbit on the cassette tape -- even through the outdoor speakers. 

It was the kind of place that had this as a wall-hanging.

The ladies room had this clear signal - pink bench - for us to know we were in the right place.  

I can't believe we didn't buy this when I found it on the for sale table.  Dammit! 
Warning: we took a ton of photos of the wakeboarding/surfing this weekend. We brought the real camera, and I could not choose just a few so there are MANY repetitive photos that I happen to love. :)

This one is a favorite because I love that Luke's not tall enough for his head to poke very far over the wakeboard.

He says he loves it, but this is his expression a lot of the time. 

He just came into the wake, and was relieved. ;) 

Nice smile!

He did a few jumps, and landed all but one. 

Josh tried surfing, and got up on his second try. He immediately yelled "Ya see this" and shook his cast!

Grampa Harley got this great shot of him landing, it looks so comfortable and easy.

And he's back up! Hanging loose!
Luke tried to get up surfing, but didn't really get the hang of it and didn't like it.  

Mike was doing some fun tricks up and down the wave, just like a pro. :) 
He rarely falls, I was so happy that we caught it on camera. It was a great crash!

Next was cliff jumping, since the lake was kinda windy and we love this kind of thing. Daddy demonstrating a pencil dive. 

Josh starts out pretty spread eagle, but he pulls it together in time for the water. 
Luke pretty much did the longest cannon ball, I can't believe he didn't break his shin bones. 

Doens't that make you cringe? He said none of his three jumps hurt, so that was great news. 

I give it a 8.3 for splash.

This time Josh held his pencil pose from the very top...

I joined them, along with Cassie, for a jump off the "small" rock.  Pretty fun!!

We had some fun tubers behind us for the rest of the afternoon.  Luke, Cassie, and Sierra had a grand time back there!

Luke showing them how to lean...

They're skipping the water and Luke knows what is in store for them.

I love that Cassie is laughing her head off, and I love Luke's hair.

Here is a silly sequence of a big jump! I loved watching Cassie's pony tail in these...

They're out of their seats!

Oh yeah!

Love Cassie and Sierra's faces

Love Cassie's pony tail

Jen, Josh and I went for a quick tube -- Josh doesn't like to go fast, Jen has a bad back and I'm happy to tag along.

Friday means Fair Night

Friday after lunch with Daddy, we went to the fair with Amber and Josie.  The petting zoo was nice, but the shaved ice was the highlight of the visit. 
On our way home, Josh informed me that he was scratching an itch in his cast and accidentally got the pen cap stuck inside the cast.  So, he got re-casted right before we went to the Fair again.  He only had the pen cap inside there for about an hour, and already it left this kind of indentation!  And, his arm is still really wonky. I hope that cast works!

Once we got the new cast, we headed to the Fair to meet up with our friends. This is Gabe, Luke, and Cooping doing the Dab on the Typhoon. They think they're so cool. 
They rode the Typhoon several times, and Luke was in the front row every time.  He said it's the scariest seat, but then leaned forward looking over the edge the whole time. 
We had dinner with our family friends (The Ryles and The Burkharts) and our tables were across the way from this exhibit.  Josh said "that horse has the worst security" when he saw that the tent side tarp was blowing in the wind. They decided to check it out for themselves, and I loved to watch them be so silly!  They saw big hooves and came back to report that the horse is, in fact, giant. ;) 

Love this shot!
We went to check on the Pig Sale progress, and these crazy kids immediately got happier. 
This is before their one ride together 
Ty Tisdel had the great idea of getting air brushed hats that said "Krazy Crew" on them. Oh yeah!!  They're the funniest!

We had that airbrushing artist busy! Personalized trucker hats for all!
And at long last, at 11:30 or so, Kyler sold his pig.  This thing was a hog, according to Josh,  who never quite got how Punny that is. 

Barnard ended up buying Kyler's pig, and Mike was the one sent to bid on it, so we got to take a fun picture of Jordan, Kyler, and Mike all together. 

We walked out of the fairgrounds at 12:15 in darkness, all the rides closed and all of us filthy dirty but super happy with another great Fair in the books. 

Our Typical Shenanigans

Summertime Ice Cream!  Tuesday night at Farmers Market -- which we basically only went to in order to get ice cream. :) 

I went to the running store and the boys decided they'd like to be mannequins.

Not sure what this pose is supposed to convey, maybe that he knows how to Walk Like An Egyptian? 

I came home from work Wednesday and the boys had decided to take an inventory of their Nerf guns.  31. Well, we know what to advertise that we're selling at our next garage sale.  

Wednesday was Mike's 41st birthday, and he was in Palm Springs for work.  Our co-worker sent me this photo to show me that they were celebrating! I'm glad it didn't go unnoticed.

Wednesday night we had a puppy play date with Bobby Paul, who is named after his mom's grandfathers. 

Three happy doggies!

Josh thought that it is great fun to have Bobby Paul wrestle with him. 

He thinks its so funny that the dogs just climb over him. 

Thursday night we went to "Oliver" at the Ellen Theater.  We ate dinner at Teds, and Luke immediately made mustaches out of his bendaroos

I asked him to look fancy and distinguished, and this is the pose we get. 

Family cheers!

Please smile for me...

It was a fabulous show!  Great theater, great actors, great show!

It was HOT in our house when we got home, and Luke's fan was on full blast.  We accidentally had floating sheets, and now this is how he falls asleep each night. 

Champ has it figured out, napping on the window sill in the morning light. 

Mike requested fruit pizza for his birthday dessert, so I decided to make personal sized pizzas, more like fruit cookies.  They were pretty good, if I do say so myself!