Sunday, March 27, 2016

Lacrosse, Easter and Skiing

Sunday night was lovely weather last week, and so Josh decided he'd make plans for how to Ruby-proof the garden.  He took a measuring tape and grid paper out to the raised beds, and designed a plan.  Now we just need the weather to come onto our page. 

Lacrosse started for both boys this week!  Josh's team practices in the 4H barn at the fairgrounds. I was kind of appalled, and took this team shot of where they are playing. Ghetto! 

Luke's team practices at the church, same place Josh did last year. I love this little U9 league, they're so cute with their tiny bodies and huge helmets. 

Here's our little bobble head.  He got a red helmet, which is seriously so great for finding him on the field.

We decided we needed cookies, and these two crazies were helping me add ingredients and do homework at the same time.  We were rocking out, hence the dancing on the island. 

Friday morning the 1st graders, all 4 classes, got to find eggs in Emily's Garden.  Luke's class wore these amazing hats, and they all had hand-woven paper baskets.  So cute! 

Why won't he smile? 

This was Josh's bulletin board display from Febraury.  Check out the things he loves.  Lacrosse, being upside down, football, chess, Luke, Aden, Spencer, Noah, Mom (woo hoo!) Gave, Ky, Dad, Ty, Connor, Ruby and Champ.  I love this!

Luke got a much needed haircut Friday. He looks like a pilot, we think. 

Saturday morning we dyed eggs.  I had the genius idea to put our dyed water in our wine glasses. 

Its so much more fun to cross your eyes than to smile!

First one finished!

Josh did a half-and-half colored egg.  His patience is impressive. 

We had one more egg, and Josh decided to experiment.  He put in several colors, some dish soap, some vinegar, and let it sit for about an hour.  The results:  the egg turned a light purple. 

Our final products.

Saturday afternoon was the neighborhood egg hunt.  We have so many kids in our neighborhood, it's amazing!

Josh decided that his Easter basket didn't hold enough eggs, so he brought a gallon ziplock.  He found this haul in about 2 minutes!

Luke found his fair share quickly too. 

And then they opened the eggs to find the bounties.  Lots of goodies! 

The Easter Bunny visited our house overnight, and when the kids got up to go skiing Sunday morning they had a little pitstop of finding eggs.  at 5:30 AM.  These kids are hard core. 

The chairlift up to our sunrise service only ran from 6:30-6:45 Sunday morning, so here we are waiting for our turn. 

This is where we decided to park our skis before walking the 10' to the service. I was shocked at how many people were there, and how many kids! Young kids too!  

Sunrise Easter service was really special. 

After the sermon we hustled down to the breakfast buffet before the sun was even over the mountains. 

This is the sunrise equivalent of pretty.  

I love a good chairlift shadow!  I love the chairlift conversations, it's seriously half the reason I learned to ski. 

Because honestly, I'm happy at the lodge.  Luke and I took a break at the Alpine Lodge in the afternoon.  I had a PBR and some sunshine. 

Luke had an M&M rice krispie treat as big as his face. 

The boys took off their coats at that little break, and we did two more runs. 

They're so cute. It was a very fun day on the hill.  

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