Saturday, October 10, 2015

Where did the week go?

The boys' Halloween costumes arrived on Friday, so what could we do but preview them?  This is X-Wing Fighter Luke Skywalker Jenkins.  

This is a new villian, Kylo Ren.  He's hard core. 

We had two games Saturday and we froze our butts off!  Hats and gloves, several shirts, and a break between games for hot chocolate. 

Josh was QB for a didn't go well, but it was still fun to see him in action. 

Kyler had a few great runs. He's so fast!
He woke up Friday and said "you have NO CLUE how excited I am!  For football, apple pie, great falls, the water slides, the birthday party"  Grampa came through for him in a big way! Luke came over to the pie and "guarded it" and smelled it.

Finally it was time! Luke got first slice. 

We stayed at our favorite GF hotel, Waterslide Inn, aka Holiday Inn Express.  The boys did nothing but high speed water sliding for hours. We actually timed them for a few runs and then figured out that they probably rode the slides over 100 times, which is 300 stories of stairs!  Luke counted 31 stairs each time...the apple didn't fall far from the tree..
But still they won't smile. 

The developed a new "dive" where they sit on the side of the pool, link arms and fall in.  It's my favorite thing. Brotherly love melts my heart. 

Sorta smiling in the hot tub. ;) 

Sunday Sierra had a fun Minions themed birthday party. Jennifer, Bonnie, John and Sierra made that cute cake! 

My boys were a bit shell shocked at all the girls, but they had a ton of fun. 

I can't believe she's 9!

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