Saturday, October 10, 2015


Check out our little cub scout!  Don't worry, I got him a smaller shirt...

Fridays are Luke and Mommy time because Josh gets out at 3:30 and Luke gets out at 2:10. This Friday I had some PAC stuff to do, but I could take it with me so we decided to go to a park. He worked on his American Ninja Warrior moves while I processed Fun Run pledges.  And he rocked his new Jimmy Graham jersey, which was a straight up bribe for better behavior in the mornings.  I'm only human. 
Saturday morning the boys had games at the same time, so we watched the first half of Luke's while he was running back. He had two carries and two touchdowns in the first half.  Mike brought his big camera, so I have way too many pictures and I can't help but share them. 

I love his eyebrows.

And the tight fist. 

He was breaking away here...

The sideways arm and tight fist are decidedly not good running form, but it's cute. 
Walking back to the team, proud moment for sure. 

Check this fake! 

His second run was good too. 

And he's off!

Josh played O-line, which is a little less glamorous but still important.  Here's a bunch of kids' butts. 

And some boys all wrapped up in blocking. Kyle's guy is getting pretty intense. 
Josh lost his tooth Saturday morning. He woke up way too early for a Saturday, I told him to go back to bed for "one more sleep" and he replied "its the perfect spot for a straw" -- so we were definitely on the same page. ha ha

Later, he got to prove his point.  It IS a great spot for a straw. We tailgated with our friends, and Josh got to go to that tailgate for 1/2 the time, then over to Aden's family's tailgate and game.  Lucky little toothless boy.
While Josh was at the Cats game, we took Luke to the SUB to go bowling.  It was way too far for him to walk, so a shoulder ride was in order.

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