Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Week in Pictures

hasn't this been the prettiest fall?  It's been so warm and lovely, I'm just so happy every day lately! 
We started our week with a big fat Birthday For Me!  I took a 4.1 mile run at lunch for my 41 years.  I really wanted to run down Willson Street, even though the leaves are a bit past their prime it was still amazing. 

Monday Josh had a football game, and then after that we went to dinner.  Josh is wearing his Peru shirt in honor our friend and ex-babysitter, Nelson, who left on his mission to Peru Tuesday morning. 

The boys had an epic nerf gun fight on Tuesday.  They couldn't talk to daddy on the phone because they were too busy battling (and looking for their socks?). 

Wednesday night we had back to back Cub Scouts.  Luke's age got to shoot bb guns at the fairgrounds first.  His group is the youngest, and I think they're so stinking cute in their tiny shirts and neckerchiefs. 

This is one of Luke's targets.  He did really well!

This is Josh's target. He's a great little shooter -- especially when he covers his left eye. Plus he looks kind of like a pirate, which makes everything better. 

Thursday night we all slept in my bed. I stayed up late and came to bed to find This.  I blasted them apart and slept right in the middle of this cuddly warmness.  Blissful.  I only got one elbow in the head and one kick to the gut, mom victory for sure. 

This is outside Luke's classroom. A room of scary spiders  

A close up of Luke's scary face  His crossed eyes are perfect. 

Friday we had special visitors! Gramma and Grampa Wright came from Kalispell to visit!  Fridays are so fun because we have Luke for an hour and 20 minutes before Josh gets dismissed from school.  We took him to The Secret Park near school. 

Gramma and Grampa brought these amazing donuts.  

Josh gave me a tiny portable printer for my birthday, and on Friday we were testing it out.  He's displaying the print job here.  

Friday night we started our Football Watching In The Cold weekend.  Hawks vs CMR. It was a fun game, the boys were so hyper and having so much fun.  

The last games of the flag football season were on Saturday. Luke got to play quarterback for a few plays.  this picture is to illustrate how slow and low the center "snaps" aka slides the ball back to QB.  It's very very cautious. 

Here is Luke on the QB sneak, heading up field. 

Josh's team had a great season.  Actually, both boys' teams were undefeated! Josh was on the Packers, and Cash's family are cheese heads in real life, so they had props for the team photo. :) 

Goofy face team photo.
Some incredible parent brought personalized football shaped cookies.  Wow. 

We loved being on the same team as Kyler.  
Saturday we went to see Goosebumps. I asked the boys for a scary face. 

This is photographic evidence that my parents were in town. The boys are squishing garden gnomes...of course they are. 
Sunday morning I had some company on a morning run.  I told him I was running 3-4 miles and he said "I'm in!" so off we went. He did a great job. 

this is our path. Josh thought it was so cool that my app made a map of our route, and wanted to save it for next Sunday.  We ran exactly 3.1 miles, so I see why he'd want it to say. It's not exactly a logical route though, so who knows where we'll end up next time. :)

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