Sunday, May 31, 2015

Slow Week for Pictures

Friday night Luke was mad at us and decided to run away. He packed 4 pairs of pants, 3 shirts, 3 pairs of socks, 3 undies and gathered them in his arms.  He took off barefooted, and ended up on our front porch. He said the 4 pairs of pants were "just in case" but thought that shoes were unnecessary.  I love this thinking.  After a few minutes, he came inside (for dinner, go figure) and told us sometimes he just needs a break from mean parents. 

Saturday morning these two biked to Clark's Fork to meet Josh and me, who drove.  They had quite a ride! 

This silly boy decided to make his water straw 4-straws tall. He had to stand on the window sill to drink it!

Later Saturday we went to the mall and Luke bought this cool Seahawks hat with his own money. Here he is counting out $28 to me.  Quite a process.

We went to church Sunday morning and Luke was super bored. I made him number sentences for the second half of the service because he told me "I don't know why, but I like to do maff for fun..."

My little goalie.  He plays defense really well, so he's on the back half of the field a lot.  It's a terrible picture, but look at that green grass and those fluffy clouds.  That's nice soccer weather!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Class Pictures

The poor photographer had his hands full with this group. Luke told me that he was doing a "big smile" for the picture and that I'd love it. 

 Josh claims that "I was breathing" when the photographer snapped this one. 


We had professional pictures taken a few weeks ago. The weather was cold and windy, but we were still hoping for the best pictures possible.  Unfortunately, the boys were not in on our plan.  They were stinkers and would not smile. Believe me, we tried HARD to get them to smile.  No luck.

See these poor battered children?  Not a single thing in the world to smile about.  Poor things.
Silly face pictures, but it's not funny to me.


I love this picture, I know it's not the crispest and I know they're not looking at the camera, but it's very My Boys to me and I love it.

This too is a fantastic picture of our real life.  This three boy wrestling happens a lot at our house.  A lot!

This is a Real Smile picture.  They were popping around the tree, and somehow she caught their attention at just the right time. They're so handsome when they smile.

This one is comically disastrous.  Why oh why do they look so forelorn?

Luke's face.  I cannot stop laughing.

This is the best of the group.  Mike was hiding behind the camera and popped up to flip them off.  Their smiles are full of disbelief. But at least they're smiling.  

This is a terrible picture of us, but at least we're smiling. Sigh.

My favorite family shot.  I want to pinch Josh to make him smile. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

A Memorial Day we'll never forget

Our group of friends went to Hauser Lake to camp at Hauser Lake for a nice relaxing three day weekend.  Unfortunately and tragically, our dear friend Kevin (Kyler and Ashtyn's dad) had a heart attack and died on Saturday.  We will never be the same.  

Kevin had a chest ache and was going to see a doctor in Helena when the worst happened. These pictures are from Friday night and Saturday while we were waiting for Brandi, Kevin and Mike to return from the doctor in Helena. I have to confess that it seems petty and selfish and wrong to post these pictures, but I feel like my "job" as a blogger mommy is to journal our lives.  This happened.  It was terrible, but it happened. 

The kids all have sit-on-top kayaks, which is the water equivalent of having a bike and being able to ride around the neighborhood.  Freedom, sweet freedom.  We let them go anywhere within the no wake zone near the boat launch. 

Josh, ever serious, paddling his way back. 

Luke racing back. 

Ady on Ty's kayak, running hard.  

This picture makes me happy. The gray water, the brown side slope, and these neon kayaks!

Josh loves this campground for these amazing climbing trees.  He was in several trees over the course of the 24 hours that we were there. 

Josh and Ty are good little buddies.  Somehow Josh's heart is soft and sweet for Ty, and he likes palling around with him. I love it! 

They did a lot of fishing off the dock. No fish were caught.  We were waiting for nicer weather, which never came. 

These are my water boys Saturday evening before we got the terrible news. 

This is little Connor and his best buddy, Dom (aka Tom Ryles).  Dom is a nice and patient man, and Connor knows a good thing when he sees it.  They pal around a lot.  One time during the camp trip we couldn't find Connor, turned out he was in the trailer with Dom just hanging out.  These two...quite a pair. 

The week in pictures

Thursday was Emily's Got Talent -- the first annual talent show at the boys' school.  We were super busy last week with rehearsals and so Thursday is the first day I took a picture.  Oops.

This is the boys' act -- Gabe is narrator, Josh is Dorf from "Dorf On Golf", and Luke is Leonard the Caddy.  Here is a link to the IMDB page just in case you missed this cult classic of the 80s.

I have to say, it was really funny.  The microphone placement was unfortunate, so we couldn't hear everything, and the act was over 4 minutes long (yikes), but it was the only comedy act of the night and they got a lot of laughs!

Friday the boys went to friends' house - Sam and Cam are brothers and Sam is in Luke's class.  They were instant friends when they saw the shed with climbing holds.

I know this is a bad picture, but I can't help but post it because of Luke's silly smile. 

They were pretty comfy up there, posing and all. 

Goof balls. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Away Games!

Josh's team -- well, the boys who were willing to travel to Jackson WY anyway.  He's in the back row, lsat one on the right.  Serious as ever. 
I wanted a picture of him not playing...and he posed like this.  Fists and all. 
Here he is in action...I like when he plays midfield so we can see him closely. 

He was playing good defense this weekend, lots of getting in the way of the ball and using his size to his advantage. 

I have no idea what he's doing in this picture but I like the slanty action feel. 

Yeah, who knows...

This is him in the middle of the action, which I love to see.  When the ball is lose, there is a swarm of bees boys and sticks fighting for the ball. Several times Josh is near it but not in it.  I like this action here. 

Again, I like when he plays midfield because he hustles out to the center to the face-off. 

I think he's asking for the ball here...on offense. 

Here's our cute friend Kyler.  Smiling with a mouthguard is tricky.

Surely trash talking with a mouth guard is tricky too, but I don't think it stopped these two. 

It rained a lot while we watched the three games.  It ouch have been a lot didn't rain hard and it didn't snow, but it was cold.  Luke made the best of it and bundled up some of the time.  He's such a good sport. 

Good game, good game, good game, good game...
Luke had a super wiggly tooth, and he had it for weeks.  He finally lost it in the swimming pool after the second game.  I love his gap-tooth smile. 

This is the tooth fairy picture he was asking for when he lost his tooth a few weeks ago. I found an app that lets you put Tooth Fairy into any picture.  He was thrilled...he was kind of surprised his Tooth Fairy is so girly, because he heard you can get any fairy and no one gets the same one.  I really want to punish talk to the parents of the girl in his class who started this BS by letting their daughter bring a picture for show and tell.  Honestly.