Sunday, March 16, 2014

Beach Day!

A morning walk to Crystal Pier, which was less than 1/2 mile from our hotel.

We played a game where when we saw a surfer get up on a wave we yelled "Surf's Up!" and I think that's what Josh is doing here.


We dedicated this day to playing on the beach.  Luke arranged our towels for us.


We got to work building a family sand castle --everyone had their part in this creation.

Josh is saying thumbs up for beach days!

Team work...
Josh was racing the waves finding seashells (or rinsing off his "tools")...

For dinner we went to a roof top brewery. 
And after dinner we asked the kids to be silly in the sunset light...we really love their silly pictures so much  more than the posed pictures. It's so much more accurate to their personalities.

What silly picture sequence is complete without a crotch shot?

Fun with lighting...

And then we went back to the hotel pool for the third swim of the day.  Lucky boys!

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