Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ahhh, San Diego

We left LA for San Diego on Tuesday Morning.  We knew that the change in pace would be great..
And we were right! Our hotel was not ready, so we checked the area out a bit and then got into the pool.  The boys ended up spending 10 hours in hotel pools by the time this trip was over. :)
Pool pics...
Synchronized jumping.
Luke got really brave about jumping and putting his face underwater, but never really got past plugging his nose.  Which is just fine.
We had lunch here the first day, Woody's on the beach.  We ended up eating there for two breakfasts was so peaceful and laid back.

We ate at Joe's Crab Shack.  The kids tried coconut shrimp and fish and chips.  Josh even tried a mussel, but he hated it and spit it out right away.  Can't blame him!

Luke was not a fan of the seafood and stuck to his usual, mac and cheese.  His bib says "too cute to be crabby" which I think he took as a challenge...

We liked the cute bibs


This is the view from our hotel room. Pool, ocean, ahhh...

I think Pelican Brown, the keeper of Pacific Beach, was cool.

Again, view from our hotel room. Surf's Up!


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