Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday Race Day

We spent Sunday morning at the Bozeman Pond -- I did a sprint triathlon and the three boys played at the pond and at the climbing rock.  Josh is quite brave now that he's been to a week-long climbing camp.  He even has climbing shoes (that we got for $5! at the climbing store) so he knows he's legit. 

Climbing it tough work, it requires a lot of tongue action to help navigate between the holds. 
I love this because you can see his two front teeth gap.  I love his smiles and his sssss around the house these days.
Luke is getting braver every day. 
Isn't he so stinking cute - all proud of himself (even with closed eyes...)


After the grueling climbing session, they headed to the water to cool off.  I can't look at this picture without laughing, the goggles are just so silly looking.

He's a happy boy by the water with a stick. 

And just a cute, random picture of Luke in the water. 

Daddy caught a picture of me finishing my swim leg. I would only post a wetsuit picture if its of me submerged.:) 
Finally at the finish line.  I had a fun race!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Fun at the Fair

We met our friends Keely and Tom, with their kids Ady and Gabe at the Gallatin County Fair on Friday night.  This was Josh's first time at the fair with a friend, and boy did it change his world. 

The four kids rode the Dragon Roller Coaster right away. 

Next was the train and Luke drove it around while the big boys sat in back with their arms up the whole way. 

Luke took his driving responsibilities very seriously!

Josh was not afraid of anything in the petting zoo. 

I'm not sure Luke liked the slide. He looked absolutely horrified the entire way down. 

We were at the fair until after 11 -- Luke got too tired to walk. Thank goodness that Daddy has strong shoulders!

Josh, Gabe and Ady rode the Giant Swings a few times -- they loved it.  Josh wasn't sure about it at first, and during the ride he looked super serious, but he said it was awesome!

I love this picture -- it makes me feel like I'm at the fair right now. 

Luke loves to drive the pretty girls around in his big semi truck!

While Josh was riding rides and Luke was tired of the whole thing daddy decided to take him fishing.  

What's good for Luke is good for Josh.  They both got glowing swords and stuffed turtles for their fishing bounty. 

We all rode on the carousel.  A tradition in the making?

Monday, July 16, 2012

Sunday Fishing

The boys hauling their gear back from a fun day at Hyalite Reservoir.  We didn't catch any fish, but we had a lot of fun. 
See, this is fun. 

I wonder what made Mr Smiley not want to smile...

This one couldn't really smile, he had a dangler of a tooth that would fall out of his head if he opened his mouth..

Every stick is a gun. This one is a machine gun that shoots bb pellets. Of course.

My little fisherman.

You should see the other guy

There was an incident with the trike and the driveway, and this sweet baby face got a bit scraped up.   He is no worse for wear, though, and silly as ever as he posed for Daddy for these shots. 

Toothless Wonder

Mater, I mean Josh, lost his second front tooth on Sunday.  Saturday during the day we had a lot of fun with him because his tooth was hanging out of his head, he could hardly keep it in his mouth. 

He looks like a hillbilly.

Its hard to take him seriously with that thing hanging out there.

I swear if a good wind came by it would blow that tooth out!

Finally on Sunday night after dinner (and some bribing by Grampa Harley) it fell out! 

Fierce and proud!

hard workin' boys

This is a Big Wheel Skidder.  Daddy took the poles out from around our boulevard trees and Luke hauled them back to the garage with his Big Wheel, just like a skidder does when you're logging.

He's so proud of himself.

After the boys washed daddy's pickup, they decided to wash their stuff.  This is quite a line up, if I do say so myself. 

Who knew how to get a little hustle out of Luke -- tell him to wash his stuff.

Attention to detail is key.

And he smiles through the whole thing.