Monday, December 5, 2011


Poor Luke took a bit of a header -- Derek was the closest to him and Luke told him that "I took a bonk." He later told me that his cheeks were very cold and also turning sore.  OK...time to go warm up!

Josh had a badass run, and this was his wipe out. He caught major air -- you can sort of see the bottom of the blue sled in the snow puff.

This is the first site of him after the snow settled. I think he was saying Holy Shit in his own little way.
Derek and I took our cold faced boys back to the four wheeler, where Gabe had camped out waiting to ride home, and did a little triage work. Don't they just look miserable?

Turned out he needed a bit of first aid...look at the concerned adults!

He got a little cut on his eye.  He's tough and took it like a man, according to Gabe's dad. 

It didn't slow him down one bit. He even had good enough vision to drive us home. (From Gabe's house)

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