Monday, December 19, 2011

The Barnard Santa was a big event for our kids.  He gives one present for each child, and it seems like all of our friends are there.  In this picture tehre are two kids we don't really know well, but other than that, this is our social circle.  Left to Right:  stranger girl, Gabe, Luke, Ashtyn, stranger girl, Ty, Kyler, Josh and Ady. 

Luke was beside himself with excitement. He clapped and hopped when he saw santa coming and even yelled "Thereth going to be prethenth!"

When santa called his name, he popped up and accepted it so quickly. He had been waiting for this moment all morning.

Josh waited anxiously too. His was the last wrapped present. His sweet friends Kyler and Gabe waited to open their present with Josh. How about that for friendship?

Examining the present.

And evaluating the present. He got some kind of Transformer Battle Station type thing, he loves it.

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