Sunday, December 25, 2011

Santa Came to Our House!

The boys were SO excited to see overflowing stockings by the hearth.  We asked them to hug each other, but it was just not happening. This is as close as we could get to a good picture of them in their matching bed heads and jammers.

Santa brought Josh some spy glasses -- they have mirrors in them so you can see behind you. Which, evidentally, takes quite a bit of concentration.

The Wrights got Luke a bunch of camping stuff, including a coonskin hat.  He looks fantastic in it, as you can imagine.

The stockings were a huge hit.  This is Luke looking into his for goodies.

This ain't Josh's first rodeo -- he chose the Big Chair and sat on down to get through this business of the stocking.  And it was quite business like. One thing at a time, announce it, set it on the arm of the chair and move on.

Luke got a cars racing track -- it was the biggest (sized) present of the day.

And it was a huge hit -- he loved it all day!

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