Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We Heart The Circus!

The boys were so excited to go to the circus this year!  We went with Ty Tisdel and his parents, just like last year. The elephants are my favorite. 
This is my favorite picture right now.  I love that Josh has this look-how-cool-I-am expression on his face, and Luke is looking closely for how the alligator's mouth is kept closed.  This was such a funny moment.

This is the snake that Josh thought he got to hold when we were in line to buy "reptile picture" tickets.  I'm VERY glad that we got to hold the alligator instead.
The boys LOVE cotton candy!  They were begging for a snow cone too...but my parental moral compass said only one form of pure sugar on Sunday evening. :) 

My boys and I! Thanks, Lisa, for taking this picture even though I didn't want you to. :) 

Ty has a pretty good Josh Crush going on right now...I think he's becoming a big boy and it's fun to watch!

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