Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Vacation to Billings

We took a trip to Billings with our friends for the weekend.  Luke kept calling it Our Vacation, and he was so excited for it.  We had a count down going.  

Luke was ready to go before we even had the car packed.  
Friday night we went to Cabelas and then back to our hotel for a pillow fight and a night in a hotel.  Luke loves any hotel room with a TV in it, so he tells us.

This is a picture of two very, very tired boys.  We had a huge day, and then stayed up late with a "massive" pillow fight.  I love how tightly Josh is hugging his build-a-bear stuffed animal.

Ty is Josh's biggest fan these days.  Here they are walking out of the mall after Build-A-Bear Workshop.

Luke's highlight of the mall trip was riding in the train.  He loved it!!

Luke loved the games at Chuck E Cheese.  He's so fun!
They were both asleep within minutes of leaving town.  Epic weekend.

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