Sunday, April 7, 2013

A visit from our cousins

The Four Fontanas came down from Great Falls this weekend. We had a great time with them!  The boys (and Gramma Harley!) made a huge spy fort upstairs earlier in the week, and that cardboard box entertained the kids for hours.  When that got old, we went to the Museum. 
I can't get over how cute these two are together. They're very sweet with each other, and they are nearly the same size even! 

All four kids smiling. Rare!!  Sierra and Luke kept saying "This is the life" as they relaxed.

Cassie led us through the rainforest maze, and here she is plowing through the vines. 
The boys checking out the spider web...

Josh and Sierra went all the way to the top -- heads poking the canopy and all!
Cassie and Luke did  a great job climbing too.

Off to the Yellowstone Center -- the girls are terrific fishermen in real life, and the magnetic fishing poles were no big thing for them. Cassie even caught a double!

Just four wild kids on the lookout tour.
Sierra turned into a monkey during her kindergarten year -- she's a monkey bar maniac!

After the Museum we went to Emily Dickinson's playground to show off monkey bar skills. Luke is getting braver by the day.

Our weekend was over too quickly.  Thanks for the fun time Jen, John, Cassie and Sierra!

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