Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Build A Bear

This is Luke with Sammy Darth Vader -- his creation of part puppy and part Darth Vader.  It even plays the Imperial March when you squeeze his paw.
Look at this proud face when he's showming me his costume selection.
Luke is rubbing the heart on his arms so Sammy Darth Vader will be strong.
And rubbing the heart on Luke's heart so that he knows he's loved. 
Luke loved pushing the pedal to stuff the bear all by himself.  
Josh chose a monkey and NBA costume, so he has Dunkaroo. He's really cute, but Josh wouldn't stand still long enough to get a picture of it.  This is Josh rubbing Dunkaroo's heart on his back, so Dunkaroo will always have his back. 

And the heart to heart -- so cute.

Josh was stuffing with seriousness, of course.

We are naming our monkey right here.  Dunkaroo is awesome.

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