Sunday, April 28, 2013

Kite Flyer

Luke LOVED flying the kite on Saturday morning.   He laughed and smiled and loved it!  We just enjoyed watching the wind take our dinosaur kite wherever.  So relaxing and so quintessential kid.
He let out alllll the string (and then worried when a n airplane passed overhead).  

First Hiking Trip of 2013

We went to Drinking Horse trail on Saturday to enjoy the sunshine! The boys got walking sticks/trek poles, and loved using them.

Josh told me he doesn't "do pictures' and not to take any of him.  oops.

Luke was a great hiker, just kept on going until we got to the top. When we asked him if he wanted to rest or take a  break, he said "nope, I'll rest at the top" so we just kept on hikin'. 

We love the Drinking Horse trail because of the forts at the top.  Luke collected sticks for a pretend fire. 

First Fishin Trip

The boys were feeling some summer fever on Saturday, so they went to Blue Gill Pond (the pond near the mall), and tried out Luke's new fishing pole and tackle box.  

Josh loved finding crawfish parts -- he wanted to keep them and them home.  Mike convinced him that pictures would  serve the purpose of memories better. Thank God. 

Luke loved his fishing experience, even with no bites and no fish.

My little Co-Pilot

Luke and I rode the tandem bike ( aka the tag along, the co-pilot) to Clarks Fork restaurant on Saturday morning.  He was so happy the whole time. I love spending time with this boy.


Luke finally got to play with Tyson after school one day.  They were in hog heaven -- loved their snacks, loved their toys, loved playing outside. We'll have to do this again soon!

Who are these guys?

The boys got some great face painting at the Emily Dickinson School Carnival on Friday night.  Josh's snake was a huge hit with his friends, and we all think Luke looks super duper tough. 
Josh was sad we had to wash it off before bed, so this is a picture "for memories." Such a serious man.

Josh won those gold teeth at the fishing booth.  He thinks he looks awesome.  I hope we lose them somehow...

Blue Jeep. Top off. Parked. Not for sale.

Luke and daddy watched Josh's baseball practice from on top of the "jungle gym" aka the jeep this week.  We love that it's finally warm enough to have the top off!

Go Alligators!

Luke's team decided on the team name Alligators.  I can't tell you how much fun it it so coach these little guys (the league is 3-4 year olds).

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Build A Bear

This is Luke with Sammy Darth Vader -- his creation of part puppy and part Darth Vader.  It even plays the Imperial March when you squeeze his paw.
Look at this proud face when he's showming me his costume selection.
Luke is rubbing the heart on his arms so Sammy Darth Vader will be strong.
And rubbing the heart on Luke's heart so that he knows he's loved. 
Luke loved pushing the pedal to stuff the bear all by himself.  
Josh chose a monkey and NBA costume, so he has Dunkaroo. He's really cute, but Josh wouldn't stand still long enough to get a picture of it.  This is Josh rubbing Dunkaroo's heart on his back, so Dunkaroo will always have his back. 

And the heart to heart -- so cute.

Josh was stuffing with seriousness, of course.

We are naming our monkey right here.  Dunkaroo is awesome.

Toothless Wonder

Josh was jumping from bed to bed in our hotel room and knocked his tooth out. He's a lucky boy, because the tooth fairy found him in Billings.  He was THRILLED to lose that tooth, and especially in such a fun way.

Vacation to Billings

We took a trip to Billings with our friends for the weekend.  Luke kept calling it Our Vacation, and he was so excited for it.  We had a count down going.  

Luke was ready to go before we even had the car packed.  
Friday night we went to Cabelas and then back to our hotel for a pillow fight and a night in a hotel.  Luke loves any hotel room with a TV in it, so he tells us.

This is a picture of two very, very tired boys.  We had a huge day, and then stayed up late with a "massive" pillow fight.  I love how tightly Josh is hugging his build-a-bear stuffed animal.

Ty is Josh's biggest fan these days.  Here they are walking out of the mall after Build-A-Bear Workshop.

Luke's highlight of the mall trip was riding in the train.  He loved it!!

Luke loved the games at Chuck E Cheese.  He's so fun!
They were both asleep within minutes of leaving town.  Epic weekend.

We Heart The Circus!

The boys were so excited to go to the circus this year!  We went with Ty Tisdel and his parents, just like last year. The elephants are my favorite. 
This is my favorite picture right now.  I love that Josh has this look-how-cool-I-am expression on his face, and Luke is looking closely for how the alligator's mouth is kept closed.  This was such a funny moment.

This is the snake that Josh thought he got to hold when we were in line to buy "reptile picture" tickets.  I'm VERY glad that we got to hold the alligator instead.
The boys LOVE cotton candy!  They were begging for a snow cone too...but my parental moral compass said only one form of pure sugar on Sunday evening. :) 

My boys and I! Thanks, Lisa, for taking this picture even though I didn't want you to. :) 

Ty has a pretty good Josh Crush going on right now...I think he's becoming a big boy and it's fun to watch!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

A visit from our cousins

The Four Fontanas came down from Great Falls this weekend. We had a great time with them!  The boys (and Gramma Harley!) made a huge spy fort upstairs earlier in the week, and that cardboard box entertained the kids for hours.  When that got old, we went to the Museum. 
I can't get over how cute these two are together. They're very sweet with each other, and they are nearly the same size even! 

All four kids smiling. Rare!!  Sierra and Luke kept saying "This is the life" as they relaxed.

Cassie led us through the rainforest maze, and here she is plowing through the vines. 
The boys checking out the spider web...

Josh and Sierra went all the way to the top -- heads poking the canopy and all!
Cassie and Luke did  a great job climbing too.

Off to the Yellowstone Center -- the girls are terrific fishermen in real life, and the magnetic fishing poles were no big thing for them. Cassie even caught a double!

Just four wild kids on the lookout tour.
Sierra turned into a monkey during her kindergarten year -- she's a monkey bar maniac!

After the Museum we went to Emily Dickinson's playground to show off monkey bar skills. Luke is getting braver by the day.

Our weekend was over too quickly.  Thanks for the fun time Jen, John, Cassie and Sierra!