Sunday, June 10, 2018

Summer's Here!

Luke's baseball cards look great this year!

Love this so much. 

This kid is sick and tired of going to lacrosse practices.  Boredom = Mischief. 

Tuesday was the CJMS choir concert.  They were told to wear jeans and a bright shirt. I think Ryatt and Josh really nailed it. 

Josh is back row, next to Kyler and behind Ryatt.  They sang Surfin' USA, Something Just Like This, and Rockin' Robin with jus the 6th grade. For the whole choir (6,7,8 grades) they sang I've Had The Time of My Life and Bohemian Rhapsody. Impressive!!

Crazy kids!  Luke came after his baseball game, so he only caught the last number.  

Thick as thieves. 
Luke had his last regular season game last week. He did great!

Wednesday was an all day field trip to Virginia City.  They panned for gold.  Luke got a lot of garnets. 

Then they went to the streets of Virginia City, where the tour guide proceeded to tell scary stories of ghosts and haunted buildings, plus some "adult" topics that we all agreed were so not appropriate for the 3rd graders.  History is dark man. 

This is such a fun class! 

I got to chaperone, so I stole a selfie from an unwilling Lukey.

Thursday was the last day of school. I went to help with the pizza party, and got to see their last Daily Wrap Up meeting.  So cute!

We love Mrs. McDonough!  Luke will have her for 4th grade, so we're thrilled!

This is our first picture with just Luke at the end of school by the sign.  He's going to be taller than the sign before he leave Emily, I'm sure of it. :) 
Josh's class did a field day in the park across the street. He's in all gray, in the middle.  They were passing wet sponges around.  

We left town for Park City just a few hours after the kids got out of school!  

We went to Park City for lacrosse, but we have so much fun off the field too!  

Boys in the pool!  Can you imagine how noisy this was?

Josh and Toby goofing off in the sauna.  Flat nose on glass, a classic move. 

Luke took a nasty fall on the pool deck and turned in for the night with Daddy. He was just fine, but he bonked the back of his head really hard so we watched him closely.

Friday morning was lovely, and chill.  We took a quick dip in the pool before heading off for the day.  
We took Toby with us, and had a grand time at Park City Mountain. 
Hauling our slides to the start line.
They say no racing, but of course we raced. 
Josh beat Toby down the hill. 

Mike beat Luke. Luke's face is incredible, but I didn't capture a good picture of his Race Face. 

We had a bit of lunch and then headed back to the hotel to get ready for Josh's 4:00 PM game.  
Josh's team played so well!  They won their first game by 1 point in overtime (a Braveheart, which was so fun to watch!), and lost their second game by one point.  So so fun! 

Coaches had a lot of great things to say between games.  This is Coach Andy telling them how proud he is of their play. 

Josh is 25 in red. They played against teams that were state select teams, teams who've been playing together for years, and they competed very well!  We were so impressed! 

Blurry is better than nothing, right?  Hilerie came over to watch Josh's second game and then we went to dinner together.  LOVE that we could connect like this! 

Poorly lit is better than nothing right ? Jesse Kegel, a college buddy, came to visit Mike at our hotel Friday night. He lives 20 minutes away and saw we were in town when he was scrolling Facebook.  So great to see him! 
Saturday was so sunny, Luke decided to get this lovely straw hat at the 7/11 while they were buying team Gatorades.  He rocked it! 

He found a few little brothers to hang out with, and they claim to have found the best seat in the house. 
Love the middie posture for Josh...

After their second game, a bunch of us went to lunch at Squatters.  Quite the motley crew!

We have had so much fun with these boys this season! 

Stealing some shade before the last game.  We've become pretty tight friends, which is good since we're all in such tight quarters. 
This is after their last game, where they lost by 1 in the final seconds of the game.  

After we relaxed at the pool, we went downtown for sushi.  We took an Uber ride and the boys were so excited for this New Experience. 
We had Ruby in a boarding place for the weekend, and we got emailed pictures every day.  She seemed to enjoy herself in all the photos, this was by far my favorite. 

Sunday morning we started out with Kneaders for breakfast. Look at the size of that cinnamon french toast!!

Someone was pretty excited about his breakfast. 

Then we went to the Olympic Park and had some fun at the welcome center/museum. 

Love a cut out face prop.

This is probably the face Josh makes when he does a grab. 

Hilerie and I had to do it, too!

The Skeleton.  So scary...look how close your face is to the ground!

Looks freaky to me. 

We are bobsledders. 
Josh really wanted to strap on some skis and hit these jumps.  We got to watch a few kids  doing tricks. 

The first thing we did after Hilerie got there was zip line!  So much fun!  Can you see Josh's red sleeves flapping? 

Luke went at the same time as me...we got a good picture of his joyful face. 

Joshy comin' in hot! 

Hilerie loves adventure!

These three bought all access passes, so they did the zip line again, then we all did the Extreme Tubing, and then they did the obstacle course. They look so serious here. 

It looked like a ton of fun!

They were strapped in at top cable the whole way, but it still looked very scary!

Some of the steps were pretty long for Hilerie and Luke. :) 

The final obstacle was a pommel horse zip line.  Josh spun around and around. 

This is how far they got to zip.

Luke said he loved it!

Hil is still taller, but only by a few inches!

We dropped Mike off at the airport and had lunch with Hilerie before leaving town.  When Hil found out that Josh's choir sang Bohemian Rhapsody, she found it on her phone and they sang together.  

Then we decided we needed a group photo. 

Here we go...

And then we left the fun behind.  We got home around 9:30 Sunday night, and the last hour we played Name That Tune with DJ Lukey. 

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