Sunday, April 1, 2018

Science Fair, Easter, and Snowboarding

Luke did a science fair project on which was a better airplane fleet, the Airbus or the Boeing.  He predicted Boeing, but based on this three factors of gas capacity, maximum speed, and maximum amount of passengers, Airbus won!  I love his clever hidden answer. 

He had to answer questions and get judged, which he was kind of nervous for. 

Mrs. Arrington was his judge, so we knew he'd get a blue ribbon.  He did a great job explaining his research methods and his reasoning, and answered a lot of questions from Mrs. A.  

Friday we took Daddy to his truck and the boys ambushed him by his door. They were hiding by the rock and grass, just outside his door.  He never saw them coming. 

Saturday we dyed our Easter Eggs.  We don't usually have a long attention span for this activity, and this year was no different.  

We had a lot of fun, but only dyed 12 eggs and the boys really only did 9 of them. 

Josh looked very intent on making the best colored eggs he could.

Oh yeah!

Don't want to drop it!

Deciding how to do a half-and-half colored one.

Luke was altogether more relaxed about his dying than Josh was.

Goofing of, as usual. Here he's making a red, white, and blue egg!

The Easter Bunny came to our house!!  We did our baskets and looked for eggs at 5:45 AM this year so we could get to sunrise service up at Bridger.  Luke said he wouldn't have known it was so early if he didn't see it was dark!

The Easter Bunny hid several eggs in our house, one in Josh's lacrosse helmet even!  The helmet is in the living room more often than you'd guess...

Luke was carrying around his easter basket plus the bucket that the Bunny brought baseballs in, just to double his collection abilities. 

So fast I couldn't even get a glimpse of them on my camera!

His little mind is on overload!

They made quite a haul!

Pretty soon we were with a bunch of strangers at the mountain, before the sun peaked over the mountains.

They're both smiling, that's kind of amazing for this early in the morning.

Daddy brought us all hot cocoa and Luke chose to lay down to drink his. 

Family picture on the mountain, just before the service started.

We were in the back, and we couldn't see the speaker or really hear him.  He talked about the weather (lots of snow this year), and social justice, and never really mentioned Christ.  Non-denominational I guess. 

It was so cool to see the mountains getting brighter and brighter as the sun slowly rose. 

Look at that field of skis and poles from our fellow churchgoers. 

And just as the speaker wound up the talk, the sun rose over the mountain.  We all skied down for a delicious brunch at the lodge before skiing. 

Josh tried snowboarding today.  He did so well -- you wouldn't know it was his first day! He was hitting jumps and doing grabs (some more successfully than others), but he mostly stuck to the medium to easy runs.  It was so fun to watch him learn this new sport, and watch his confidence grow. 

A boy and his board.
This is Josh's best method grab of the day.  He did not land this well, but he looks pretty amazing in this split second!!

Luke is being a unicorn in this picture.  One pole for the horn, the other for the tail.
Once when I was skiing near him, I saw him land a little jump and heard him sing "Oh! Oh! O'Reilly auto parts" as he skied off. 

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