Sunday, April 15, 2018


Finally, after a long, long winter, we were able to ride bikes outside. Luke was showing me some great tricks. 

Thursday was free ice cream day at Sweet Peaks, it was their birthday. The boys were out of school, so why not? 

We moved some furniture and played balloon volleyball in the living room. Mike came home and played, and he really brought the intensity level a lot. 

This was after his first spike. 

Show no mercy!!

Friday morning Ryatt and Josh dyed their new lacrosse head.  They were so excited about the dye project. 

Checking in on the progress. 

Friday morning was Luke's teacher conference, and so he got to play at Rogen's house.  They had a great nerf fight with the neighborhood boys. 
Here's the end of lunch, after more friends joined. 

Yay lacrosse season is underway!  It's so fun to hang out with these families.  Weston, Sammy, Toby, and Josh are good friends and teammates. 
Kyler is playing for a different league this year, so we lucked out and caught a half of a game of his.  Afterward, he went to see Josh and then compared shoes.  Some things never change. 

Poor Luke watched two games, and it wasn't super warm or super fun for him. 
Josh was tired after his two games.  He scored 3 goals and had 4 assists, so he was tuckered out! 
These two got to go skiing on Bridger's last season.  

Nachos outside at the is great!

We found a few early spring flowers, yahoo! 

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