Sunday, March 18, 2018

Tremendous Thursday (3/15/18)

We checked out Shark Bay, but the surf was too dangerous to snorkel in.  

We watched a lady get swept into rocks, and it was scary!

We moved to another beach, this one was fun to watch the surfers battling the big waves of the north shore. 

The locals said the waves were small, but they looked big to us! 

This was the most risky of all the JKLMs I've ever written in the sand.  It got washed away once, and so this time I even built a moat around it. 

We had lunch at a shrimp truck and "Hawaii's best fish tacos" after the surfer watching. 

This was the view from the fish truck.  

We rented boogie boards from this little shop, and of course the kids had to pose for this photo op!

I think Luke looks like a hand model in this pose. :)

Josh is the girl in a bikini!  Love love love

We tried to explore a new beach, and I parked the car while the guys decided if it was worth it.  I had to walk a bit from the parking place to the beach, and I didn't mind one bit because there were flowers and sunshine. 

We moved to a new beach and let the kids explore the waves with their rental boards.  The life guard warned us to stay close to shore, and to help the kids get the feel for these big waves.  

He's such a good daddy!

Josh parking it! 

Woo Hoo!

My heart. 

Watching Josh, who was determined to get this right.  It was brutal, really, and wore the kids out.  It was even hard to bob around in the waves and have fun, they were so violent.  

My mermaid boy!

We built a sea turtle and had to protect it with a series of moats and ditches. 

We worked hard with just flip flops and our hands. 

Oh NO!!!! Our turtle was gone, again. 

Can't get enough of these pictures. 
Mike snapped Luke sitting in the front like a big kid. 
We went to the Super Pool to enjoy the last night just a little longer.  We learned that Luke has a really smooth, natural freestyle stroke and can swim a long way!  He breathes in time with his stroke, and swam across the pool 8 separate times!  Josh also amazed us, and swam really far under water several times. We finally timed him and he held his breath while swimming under water for 24 seconds.  We have impressive little swimmers!

We came back to the resort and played in the lagoon.  It was finally hot enough to hop into the water  to cool ourselves off. We played Monkey in the Middle until it was about time for sunset.
We went to the jetty and watched the sun drop. 

It was so pretty, and so peaceful. Except for when the kids sang to us "When the sun goes down, everything gets hotter...."

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