Sunday, January 28, 2018

Quick week

Must have bee a slow week if the first picture I have on my camera is from Wednesday's dinner.  I got an Instant Pot and we tried ribs. Pretty good for 30 minutes cook time! 
This was Mike's dinner Wednesday night.  He went to a place call El Gaucho in Portland and had a flaming kebab of dinner! 

Thursday we had an adventure in deep cleaning.  Our house had lice!  What a good excuse to do some long over due laundry and deep cleaning. 

Friday night was the Tisdel's house warming party. We took a shot of Kraaken for Kevin.  We stayed out too late and had too much fun! 
Who's ready to run?  Luke was excited for his second track practice. 

Look at this form! 

Luke's hurdles were fun to watch. (gold lane in the middle)  He started out a bit slow, but finished fast!  

See, he's already catching the other kids. 

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