Sunday, September 24, 2017

Football and Food.

Sunday afternoon Josh got to practice with the Bobcats! 
How cool is that? 

On the sidelines, waiting for their turn on the turf. 

Luke had a burst of imagination and invented a plane that was made of this plastic thingy.  He drew it on the etch-a-sketch to show us the features. 

Tuesday I went to Canada for work, and got to stay in this luxurious "man camp" room.  It was tiny. 

This is the view from the farthest corner...

We're building a huge power plant and dam. 

So much going on!

This is a portion of the dorms.  All together, there are rooms for 1600 workers at this camp.  It's 3 hours from the nearest town of Thompson, in Winnipeg.  

Friday afternoon Luke had a project he wanted to do with me.  We made stress balls out of balloons and flour.  Luke took his job very seriously!

For part of it...
This is when he's squeezing the air out of the balloon, trying hard not to make a flour volcano.

The stress balls are the perfect size and texture to juggle. This is his first attempt. 

See our final product? So cool, one for each of us. 
Friday night Mike these awesome boys to the Teton Gravity Research movie, after he took them to Burger Bobs for dinner and milkshakes.  

They are the coolest. 

Josh was so lucky - he won the door prize!  He won 2 lift tickets at Big Sky and a night at the Huntley Lodge up on the mountain.  So cool! 
Saturday Josh played football in the chilly fall morning. 
Josh was captain (#56) which was cool!
Luke had a great game, even made 4 tackles!
Luke was QB for part of the game, and handed off for 2 touchdowns!

Saturday I was at a Rodan and Fields leadership retreat. I loved hanging out with these amazing women.  50 rockstars in one room. 

Saturday Luke created his own dessert. Tortilla, then cinnamon, then ice cream, then chocolate sauce. It's nice to have a dessert chef in the family.  

Sunday morning we went to Livingston for breakfast. We were trying to take Luke to the Beanery, but it was closed. He was depressed that he couldn't go to his favorite place.  We were happy to try out Pinky's, but he wasn't really having it. 

Luke and I had the special, which was a waffle, two pieces of bacon, two eggs and sausage gravy.  Incredible! 

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