Sunday, September 10, 2017

Slow Week

I guess I didn't take many pictures this week, I'll do better this week.
Football practice started for Josh on Tuesday.  He's got the same coach as last year, and there are 4 or 5 returning players, which is cool. 

Love this season!

Friday we watched the Hawks play the Glacier Wolfpack.  The boy on the far left is Luke.
Our friends Chris and Susie's oldest son Drew is a senior for Glacier.  He played great. 

Saturday Josh got to do an Escape Room challenge with Maxamillon and some cub scout friends for a birthday party.  

Sunday morning I realized we're back into the swing of school and fall and sports...I made 4 recipes and 10 frozen dinners for some quick cooking weeknights.  Sigh.  I miss summer. 

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