Monday, February 6, 2017

Super Bowl and Skiing

Monday was Josh's last intramural basketball session.  Here he is with his peer coach's award.  He had a rough season as far as wins/losses and his teammates, but he had a lot of fun and improved his skills. That's what matters. 

Tuesday Josh started BAM (Bozeman After-school Music) program.  He gets to practice with one other trombone player and an MSU student teacher.  He said he loved it, and came home to immediately search the sheet music for "star wars music" so that's a good sign, right? 

Luke's class was doing partnered compare and contrast work. I think there is a stark contrast between the two students.  Look at her sweet, compliant little face and Luke's goofball expression. 

Saturday Luke had another basketball game.  His team won!  They were very excited!

Saturday afternoon we went to see Turner's son run indoor track at MSU.  Turns out that the track meet was super duper slow, so we didn't get to see Drew run, but they did spend the night with us both weekend nights, so that's fun. 

Saturday night we went to a Lester Rocks concert -- my friend Anika's husband is the band leader. It was fun, and not our typical evening so we loved it. 
Sunday Josh and Mike went to the Ridge.  They hiked to the Ridge and skied down, and they loved it.  If you look really closely you can see the town of Bozeman in the background.
It was the last day of their lessons, and they both moved up to the next level!  

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