Sunday, February 12, 2017

Attention to Detail

In Luke's class they're working on biographies, and this is the opening paragraph that Ada wrote.  They were encouraged to write an opening sentence that really grabs the audience. I can't read it without laughing -- I feel like such a good parent because my 8 year old is quoting Lampoons Christmas Vacation. 

Tuesday night we had some friends over, and this is how we found the dishwasher loaded by the kids.  I posted it on Facebook and found out that there are two types of people in the world.  The type that is bothered by this, and the type that isn't.  I'm the first type. 

Check out my new Family Ring!  Mike got me a gift card at a jeweler in town so I could get the ring I've been wanting since Luke was born. I found it on Pinterest, brought it to the jeweler and they had it ready in 2 weeks.  

Wednesday afternoon was the fifth grade band and orchestra concert. Josh and his bestie Aden dressed up for the occasion, which I love so much!  Mike was out of town, so Josh tied his own tie on the first try!  The concert was great, they did such a good job!

Saturday morning basketball again.  It's so much fun to watch Luke's games.  I love this open mouth shot picture.  His team won again, but only by one basket. 

Saturday afternoon I brought some heart shaped cookies and a jar of frosting home.  Luke was more than happy to help me decorate them. 

Date night for Valentine's Day was Saturday too!  We went to our favorite, Red Chair, and had a lovely dinner together. 

Sunday we went to the laundromat because our washer is broken.  the boys brought plenty of things to do, but their mobile devices and science fair projects kept them busy. 

Luke decided to wear the full face mask on his rip stick.  It was so sunny out!  We went to the Ryles' house to interview them for Josh's science fair project. He is trying to find out if boys and girls see optical illusions differently.  

Look at this!  Such a gorgeous day, sunny and in the 40s.  

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