Sunday, October 23, 2016

Birthday Week!

We began birthday week with Skelly looking for Champ. 

Tuesday night Luke had his last football game of the season.  He was quarterback for half of the game, and was so much fun to watch!  Can you hear him? 

I love that he's got his eye on the defenders here. 

Going long! 

He runs with a purpose. 

I think he's playing defense here...or maybe just catching his breath. 

Look at that form! :) 

Love the arm swing...

he's got time in the pocket...

And launches it down field.  He played well, it was super fun to watch! 
Josh went on a field trip to Drinking Horse mountain on Tuesday.  Nick, on the right, and Aden, on the left, are his best friends in 5th grade.  Nick's mom chaperoned, and I'm so glad she sent this picture.  Josh looks so happy here. 
Wednesday was my 42nd birthday. The boys and I started our morning off right, at Starbucks!  

Look at this pretty cupcake!  My friend Carol brought it to me at work -- red velvet with cream cheese frosting is straight from heaven! :) 
Wednesday night was Cub Scout night at the Manhattan Corn Maze.  It was sheer chaos. 
We went through the maze with cub scout dens, so Luke came with Josh's den and we traipsed through the maze for over an hour.  Luke and I thought we might grow old in there. 
We started at about 6:30, plenty of light, and ended around 7:30 in pitch black. 

They hiked nearly 4 miles, and they saw 8 deer.  None were close enough to shoot, but it was a great first day of hunting!

Unfortunately Josh got a high fever Thursday afternoon, and wasn't really himself until Friday night/Saturday morning.  He missed a day of the kid-only hunting days, and he was pretty bummed. 
Skelly got kind of creepy toward the end of the week. 

Luke and I went to breakfast on Thursday when Josh and daddy were hunting.  We went to the Western and had biscuits and gravy with a  side of sausage.  We loved sitting at the counter. 

Luke and I played board games and had a lovely time together in the morning.  His friend came over after lunch for a few hours, so we made the most of our one-on-one time while we had it. 

Friday was a strange kind of a day. Josh was sick in the morning, so Mike went to work. After he came home we all went to lunch, and then I tried to do some work at home.  Mike took the boys shopping (out of my hair) and I took Ruby for a run.  It was so pretty at the Regional Park -- I love running in the fall. 
Saturday we went to the Cats game with our friends.  Those two yayhoos are so silly.

My parents were in town Friday but had to go home to Kalispell on Saturday around noon. My dad woke up with shingles, and was too uncomfortable to stay any longer.  I feel bad for them, we'll have to have another weekend together soon!

Sunday Josh went hunting again. He's pretty happy to be out again.  This time they went with Tom and Gabe, and Gabe shot a 3x4 mule deer.  It was a good day!
Look at all those cockleburs.  That's just his gun...imagine what we can't see on his camp pants!
Luke and I had another nice day together.  We played Fibber and Monopoly Empire.  He won at all the games.  

After we went to lunch and did our grocery shopping, we came home to play in the playroom. He had his Star Wars toys out.  This is a situation we haven't seen lately -- time at home with no agenda.  Yay for the end of football season and some  free time. 

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