Monday, March 16, 2015

Universal Day!

Our hotel had a great little gift shop,  and while we waited to buy our tickets the boys and I did some "shopping."  I have no idea what made Josh think that this was a minion face, but I think it's funny. 
Luke was less amused.  

And we're off to the parks!  We got to Universal as the sun was rising (slight exaggeration) and the light was kind of cool.

See those fresh legs, ready for all that the parks had to offer?  

Our first ride was the Forbidden Journey, in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which was a super awesome ride.  However, Luke was scared to death -- this picture catches him at the peak of the freak out -- and it made Gramma Bonnie sick.  It was pretty intense, I can see where both of them are coming from. 

We promptly got magic wands for the boys and set off to cast spells through the Harry Potter world.  Josh got Harry Potter's wand, and Luke got Ron Weasley's.  Fitting. 

We hopped over to the Diagon Alley for Escape from Gringots, another fun ride.  Here we are standing in front of the goblin who runs the bank. 

The dragon outside Gringot was so cool!  Every so often it would roar and shoot fire, and one time it caught Luke off guard so when the fire came he hit the deck in fear.  Good times. 

Lucky us, as we were walking somewhere we found Megatron standing out for pictures. As we left Mike said "I can't believe i got my picture taken with a Deception."  Geek. 

We needed a little afternoon break, so we headed back to the hotel after lunch and had a nice little dip. The boys are being super heroes, I think. 

A lovely family picture, except that Josh kept dipping underwater when he thought Gramma was going to take the picture. Stinker. 

We went back to the park for more rides, and got to meet some Minions! When Luke saw this picture he said "I knew that guy was trying to push me..." Sure enough. 

Silly faces for silly Minions.  Luke's silly face is usually crossing his eyes, which is kind of hard to see sometimes. 
We also rode Men in Black, which was a fun shooting game. We take this stuff very seriously.

Before we knew it, we were at the Hard Rock Cafe for a hurricane (or bahama mama in my case) and some dinner.  Ahhhh

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