Sunday, March 15, 2015

Manatees Are Sea Cows

After three long days at the amusement parks, we decided to pre-book a 9:15 boat tour, which left from a location 1 1/2 hours from Mike and Bonnie's house.  These kids are troopers - look at the energy to burn as we waited for our tour to start. I love how small Luke's head looks.  And this is Josh photobombing, in case you were wondering what the pose was all about. 

This motley crew was the lucky group to have Captain Ron take us to swim with the manatees at Crystal River.  The manatees like to spend the winters there because of the natural springs that keep the water warm. We missed them by about a week or so, but we were grateful for the warm weather and were not about to complain!
This picture is full of goodies.  Don't the boys look amazing in their tiny wetsuits? Luke's vulcan eyes (it's a Star Trek reference), and Mike's pirate eye make me happy! (Mike had trouble with his left contact all morning, which makes all the AM pictures so much better!)
How's this for a family picture -- maybe next year's Christmas card pic? 

Josh and I teamed up and scouted around. I was loving the whole deadman's float strategy...super comfy.
We saw a few manatees, but mostly it's a lot easier to see them from above the water than in the water. 
Gramma found one. You're supposed to put your arm up if you find one, so that's why she's pointing so cutely. 
Luke and Daddy found one.  Look at how cute Luke's little hand is, right on daddy's shoulder the entire time. 
That's Luke again, resting his hand on dad.  I just love that boy and his sweet subtle affection. 
And he's had enough...coming in to warm up. 

The boys both took off their wetsuits to get warm...just in time for a GoPro selfie. 
Captain Ron asked the boys if they liked cannon balls, and surprised us with a trip to a clear spring where we could jump in the water and play around.  Josh loved this "bonus" fun, and was more than game for a few jumps off the boat. 
We all jumped in, actually. I was bound and determined to show him I could make a big splash, but I think the record goes to Mike Sr.  
Gramma Bonnie was a good sport, as usual.
Me and my boy, happy in the water. 
Captain Ron took all these pictures and I love that he captured Josh climbing up the ladder while Luke was swimming behind.   
I also love that he caught this stunning display of grace by Mike Jr. 
This is me...I don't like to get water into my snorkel so I don't go under like Mike and Josh do.
He's not exactly an experienced snorkeler, but don't tell him that!  He's got his GoPro and wants to get that good footage. ;): 

Jr took this romantic shot with the GoPro -- our little underwater selfie. 

And before we knew it, we were back on land.  The tour ended just in time to grab some Sonic for lunch and head to St. Pete's beach.  We actually landed at Pass De Grille or something like that, but it's all the same to me.  Sand castles and tossing the football around, it was so relaxing and fun!

We decided to come home to Mike and Bonnie's for dinner, and the boys picked the jalapeƱos for the guacamole right from their back patio.  Luke obviously feels a little braver than Josh is showing. 

While we waited for dinner,  we were treated to two hard working bar tenders. They really like getting tips.  We taught them to get to know their customers, so Luke asked us all kinds of questions. "What is your favorite food in Flordia?"  That's how he said it -- Floor. Dee Ah.  I love it.  

Josh focused on comfort.  Do you need a coozy?  Is that enough ice? I love them...heaven help us if they end up tending bar when they're 21. 

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