Sunday, March 29, 2015

Madison River Sunday

Josh caught a crawfish within minutes of arriving at the river. He kept it alive until he was ready to fish with it.  Going after the Big One.

Luke was helping start the fire when he found this "L" shaped piece of wood. He wanted to keep it but he also wanted to help build the fire.  I heard "mom can you take a picture so I can burn it and still remember it?"  Sure bud. 

As soon as the fire was built, the boys started fishing.  Dad casts, Luke reels it in. 

This was the first fish of 2015 -- and a big fat brown too!  Luke was so happy! 

Josh got a little help too, what a good daddy.

Mike caught two on his new fly rod and reel. Ruby was VERY curious about the fish.  She was never far from the action. Mike bought her a new collar that looks like a rainbow trout, so we think that it was good luck! 

Luke caught another fish, this one he casted and reeled in all by himself.  He was so proud of doing it all, he asked to release it too.  

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