Thursday, August 7, 2014

Glacier - Lake McDonald

We pulled over for a quick visit to Lake McDonald -- just to skip some rocks and stretch our legs.  Then we got a bit more wet, and a bit more wet, and pretty soon we were diving off logs and soaking wet. But this was the highlight of my day at Glacier, 2014.

Look at that crystal clear water and those gorgeous rocks. 

I asked Josh to move because it looked like that log was going through his head.  He said "It really hurts..." and made this silly face.  My little class clown.

We took several pictures of the boys together, but all were not quite right.  Only the silly brother shots turned out.

If you meld these two pictures of gramma with her boys, you'll get a good one. One smiling boy at a time is all we get.

A stack of heads. 

Not bad...we rarely take shots with adults in them, so I'll totally take this as a win. :)

Luke had so much fun throwing rocks in.  He would throw big round rocks and say "made it skip. not a skipping rock, but I made it skip."

Josh asked if he could get the bottoms of his shorts wet, I said sure.  The next thing I know, he's doing this.

He found a huge rock that he wanted to bring to shore.  It involved getting 3/4 of his body wet.  I said, you're wet enough, just go swimming. And so he did. 

We swam out to the same log that was trying to go through Josh's ear, and he dove right off.  Kind of a belly flop, but still points for jumping off a moving log.  Sheesh. I tried, and it was hard to stand! I did a kind of falling dive that, thank God, there are no photos of.

Luke wasn't going to be showed up, so he kept finding better skipping rocks out deeper.  Soon they were wearing the back up clothes that I put in the car at the beginning of summer.

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