Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a long day for us. We had so much time to kill before church, dinner and sleep, we decided to go outside and burn off some energy together.  

The crazy snow players all together in the fort.

Luke dumped out his Reindeer Food in one big pile. And he looks so proud!

Josh carefully sprinkled his Reindeer Food all over my drawing of Rudolph (with colored water), maximizing the potential for the reindeer to eat the food. This kid is intense.

And then we got into our Christmas Uniforms and tried to get a family picture together.  One of us didn't feel like cooperating. Brat child.

This is rare -- the 6 of us are never in a picture together.  5 out of 6 smiles -- not bad!

And out of the 5 pictures I took of these 4, only one was remotely good.  Brat child. 
This cracks me up -- the green plastic cups for the boys make me happy.

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