Monday, December 10, 2012

A Sledding We Will Go!

Luke rocks. He wanted to wear my goggles over his elf hat. 
I love this -- his tiny face in my goggles and his little excited expression.

Getting sideways!

Woo Hoo!
He's such a happy little guy!

Well, he's happy until his belly gets cold. Poor guy, his shirt kept riding up and so he got snow on his bell-bell. A few mommy hugs later (and he wore my coat to keep him warmer...) and he was all set.
Josh was all business, as usual.
Somehow I got no pictures of Josh sledding, but I think it was because he was always coming up with a new and better way to get down the hill.  Running.  Penguin Slide. Snowboard. Sled.  Sled with friends.
Luke, Gabe and Kyler on one sled -- this was a fun wreck to watch!
They didn't make it far...

This is Kyler and Josh's first wreck. I love Kyler's smile and Josh's fake snow angel.

Even Daddy gave the hill his best.  Watch out Lukey!

Look -- my Bozeman friends in one picture!  Lisa, Brandi, Me, Jen, and Keely (who is apparently standing in a hole)

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