Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Morning!

The boys were so thrilled Christmas morning!  It was magical.

Josh got Skylanders Giants from us and a DSi from Santa.  I was not intending to make him be a screen time fiend, but that he is. 

Luke got this amazing Millenium Falcon from daddy. He loves it! 

Luke asked Santa for Air Bags.  And that is what he got!  He danced, spun, jumped, just freaked out when he saw them! 

Santa also brought him a Thor Hammer, which he promptly tested out on Grampa Wright. (Who played along wonderfully, as you can tell from his face!)

Josh with his haul. Spoiled!

Luke held up every gift as if he was Vanna White. 

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was a long day for us. We had so much time to kill before church, dinner and sleep, we decided to go outside and burn off some energy together.  

The crazy snow players all together in the fort.

Luke dumped out his Reindeer Food in one big pile. And he looks so proud!

Josh carefully sprinkled his Reindeer Food all over my drawing of Rudolph (with colored water), maximizing the potential for the reindeer to eat the food. This kid is intense.

And then we got into our Christmas Uniforms and tried to get a family picture together.  One of us didn't feel like cooperating. Brat child.

This is rare -- the 6 of us are never in a picture together.  5 out of 6 smiles -- not bad!

And out of the 5 pictures I took of these 4, only one was remotely good.  Brat child. 
This cracks me up -- the green plastic cups for the boys make me happy.

Snow Fun

Santa brought the boys a new sled, so we tested it out on Dinosaur Park Hill. 

It was super fast!

Luke got brand new little guy goggles, and he rocks them. 

He did not like climbing up the hill.  He's so stubborn (where does he get that?) that he's waiting for someone to come down and get him. 

We went out to the Harley's for dinner on the 23rd.  We took advantage of the sledding hill there and had a great time.  These boys are spoiled!

Daddy and Lukey racing!

Josh is really enjoying snowboarding. He's not bad...

Programs and Parties

There was so much excitement on Friday -- Luke put on daddy's boots to be silly. 
Mike surprised Luke on Friday and took him to lunch before Josh's program. 
Josh's program was so cute.  I have no idea what he's looking at in this picture, but its one of the few where we can see him, so it's blogworthy to me. 

They sang Don't Eat a Poinsettia, which was a riot!

What a cute little class!

After Josh's program we went over to Luke's room party. Luke's party was just eating, which was ideal for him!  The girls in the blue dresses are neighbors and in Josh and Luke's classes.  

Monday, December 17, 2012

basketball boy

Josh completed another season of basketball. This time he was on the Nets.  He scored two baskets in the last game! 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

happy birthday LUKE!

Luke asked for macaroni and cheese, chili and cheese in the chili" for his birthday dinner tonight.  If only we all were so easily amused. 
We had a birthday party for Luke on Saturday afternoon. This is the exact writing that Luke asked for.  I think it's so funny.
I guess we could have found him a stool....

Nummy cake!

We played "Keep Out Of The Web" down our hallway.
They had spidey masks for fun...

We played Pin the Spider on the Web.  Three of the six children would not wear a bandanna, including Birthday Boy.  Who knows...

And a pull pinata, what more could a sugar-hound ask for? 

Mall Santa

The mall santa visit was so cute this year!  

They both hopped right up on his lap and spilled their guts to him. 

Josh appears to know where his bread is buttered -- look at him caress Santa's chest lovingly. 

Luke asked him for a trampoline.  On the way to the mall, Luke mentioned that he'd like to ask for a trampoline and I told our family rule is No Trampolines, and suggested that he should ask for something that he could actually accept, because we are not keeping a trampoline.  Luke said he'll just put it on the roof for Santa next year, that way it won't be "not safe" for us.  

Brothers.  I love this stuff!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Luke's Program

Luke was a bit hesitant as he walked up the center aisle.  He quickly found us and smiled a huge smile of relief! He really was an outstanding performer last night. They sang Hark the Herald Angels Sing and Go Tell It On the Mountain, but I didn't get many pictures of those because I was videoing them.  Luke rocked -- he really performed and knew all the words. My heart is busting open with pride!

This is Luke's snowman poem -- he's doing A Big Red Bow action. 

I believe this is the snowman is big. I love that no two kids are doing the same thing...

This is the right half of the stage.  Tyson, the cutey in the tie and vest, is Luke's "best friend" and our co-worker's son. This was the cutest program I've ever seen!

Monday, December 10, 2012

A Sledding We Will Go!

Luke rocks. He wanted to wear my goggles over his elf hat. 
I love this -- his tiny face in my goggles and his little excited expression.

Getting sideways!

Woo Hoo!
He's such a happy little guy!

Well, he's happy until his belly gets cold. Poor guy, his shirt kept riding up and so he got snow on his bell-bell. A few mommy hugs later (and he wore my coat to keep him warmer...) and he was all set.
Josh was all business, as usual.
Somehow I got no pictures of Josh sledding, but I think it was because he was always coming up with a new and better way to get down the hill.  Running.  Penguin Slide. Snowboard. Sled.  Sled with friends.
Luke, Gabe and Kyler on one sled -- this was a fun wreck to watch!
They didn't make it far...

This is Kyler and Josh's first wreck. I love Kyler's smile and Josh's fake snow angel.

Even Daddy gave the hill his best.  Watch out Lukey!

Look -- my Bozeman friends in one picture!  Lisa, Brandi, Me, Jen, and Keely (who is apparently standing in a hole)