Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Happiest Place on Earth

Day 1 - wakey wakey, we got a mouse to meet!

We got there early to beat the crowds and were first in our line to enter the park. 

A rare sight of the castle without the mobs of people.

First in line behind the roped off area.  Success!

We headed to Star Tours first, and we liked the Star Wars themed gift shop.  Darth Daddy
Luke loved this ride, he went on it three times this day!

They have young Jedi Training periodically, and Luke and I caught a show. This is him raising his hand to volunteer for training.

The Jedi Master was funny.  I wish Luke would have been picked, but it was still entertaining without him being on stage.


Me and my boys, in front of Walt and his mouse

Josh's favorite ride was Space Mountain. He loves this picture of his crazy hair.

We loved Splash Mountain.  Can you tell?

My friend Marcie was at Disney with her family, so we rode Splash Mountain with her daughter and husband.  Her husband was smart enough to move to the kids in back could be seen in the picture. Not me..I totally blocked Luke's head. Oops

Then we went to see Jessie.

Marcie and I needed proof that we were here together!

We love goofy!

We are goofy!

Then this happened.  Luke was selected to be a drummer for the Straw Hat Singers.  Donald and Luke were in a drumming competition...

Donald tried to distract him, but Luke was unphased.
Luke just kept on drummin'

When the crowd voted for the best drummer, Luke won by a landslide! (His hat was down because Donald pulled it down during the shenanigans)


We just melted...this was so exciting for all of us!

Then we went to our hotel and took a break in the pool.  Our MT bodies were not used to the 85 degree heat!

We came back to the park in plenty of time for the parade.  Luke got to ride on Daddy's shoulders to watch.  Lucky!

As we waited, Josh and Daddy recapped the day.

After the parade and we stood in the longest line of the day (surprisingly!) for the Peter Pan ride.

And the last ride of the night was a storybook cruise that Luke didn't want to go on.  After this ride, we watched Fantasmic, which was an incredible show. 

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