Sunday, March 2, 2014

Around the house

I love this picture of Josh. Its' a Real Smile.  So hard to get on camera.
This is what they do after their showers...get into their robes and roll around on the floor. Ruby joins in most often.

Sunday we were ready to do something busy...the cold weather had us cooped up for too long.  They decided to build a marble maze and got out all of the cardboard/paper recycling and spread it on our living room table.  Sigh.

Josh got this hat for free (lucky!) from Bob Ward. He looks like such a punk! 
This is his face when he was telling me to put the camera away.

Ruby and Champ are thick as thieves. Ruby chases her to the strangest places.  The mantle is one favorite spot.

The furniture is another....

But how can you get upset with this sweet face?

We got so much drifting snow!  The snow in our front yard was deeper than the snowblower was!

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