Sunday, June 10, 2012

Tee Ball Highlights

We've had a couple of back to back games in tee ball, what a fun way to spend our evenings. (When the weather is good we are so much happier!) Here are highlights from Wednesday's "double header." 
Josh fielding. He got the ball many times -- we are impressed with his hustle.

The whole team is a bunch of daydreamers.  Look at the yellow team and count how many people are paying attention. That's right, none.

Josh has a powerful stance.

He's been hitting really well this season -- check out that serious face. 

If you are the last batter, you get to hit a grand slam...Josh was lapping his other base runners.
Happy boy!

Luke's fielding skills.  He's playing catch here...

Somehow he managed to hit the ball with this swing.

And then he was off!  I love his running form...part silly part hustle.
But we all know that his favorite part of tee ball is the snacks after the games. 

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