Monday, June 18, 2012

Josh's Skylanders Adventure Party

Josh told me to hang streamers from the roof for his outdoor decorations.  I think they looked lovely swaying in the breeze. 

We made a Skylanders Portal for a cake -- thanks for the help frosting it  mom!

I have never heard so many busy boys be so quiet as I did on Saturday while they ate their lunch.  Josh picked the menu of pizza, goldfish, carrots and cucumbers with ranch, strawberries and watermelon. Delish!

Josh and I came up with ways to create the Skylanders weapons out of toys or other crafty stuff. This is Gabe carrying around Prism Break's prisms -- so heavy!

And Gabe using the hulk hands to be Terrafin.
Luke is using Flame Slingers "fire arrows" to capture the bad guy.
We were really impressed with Luke climbing the rock wall with Terrafin hands on. 

Josh wanted to be Chop Chop most of the time. 
Luke liked carrying Boomer's "TNT" around. 

Later we played Pin The Skylander On The Portal -- a  huge success. 

Kyler wanted to be last so he could get the best aim, but he came in second. He wanted to know if there was a prize for second. :)

When Josh pulled out this shirt and shorts, Riley said "Clothes" in the most bored, uninterested voice you can imagine. 

Luke was THRILLED that we got our own pool for our own back yard! 

Josh was super excited about his snorkel and flippers.  He has been wanting those since about Christmas time. 

He also got a tackle box -- now that he robbed Daddy's he's all set.  Daddy might have to go restock, but Josh is all ready to catch any poor fish that get in his way.

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