Monday, June 18, 2012

Josh Turns 6!

For Josh's 6th Birthday, The Fontana Family came down from Great Falls to visit.  What a fun night we had!  They played during the day, and after daddy and grandpa got home we opened gifts. We started with a beer box (Josh thought that was soooooo funny!) with a snake in it! 
Not a real snake,thank God.  It's a 6' long stuffed Boa Constrictor named Boa that Josh sleeps with every night. 

Josh also got Cynder, an oh-so-coveted Skylander, from his brother. 

Gramma and Grampa got him two cans of redi whip for his own use. He is THRILLED!

Look at this snake cake -- Josh was so excited to have snakes on his ice cream cake. The man at Baskin Robins told Josh that he went to the dollar store to get snakes, and that Josh and Luke could play with the snakes in the bath tub.  What a treat!

After all the gifts and cakes, we did a bunch of hugs.  Sweet brotherly hugs and sweet cousin hugs. The picture of Sierra and Josh hugging is too cute, but it loads wrong on this bleepin' blog. 

after presents we took a walk to the park across the street.  This spinning wheel was fun for all. For a while! 

Luke and Sierra play so well together.  They seem to be more gentle souls than Josh is...

Look at those smiles!

Luke made Grampa spin him on this little pole thingy forever. How he didn't get dizzy enough to throw up I'll never know. 

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